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Photo Gallery


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Calling Out Coal: Spring 2014


We asked students to stand in front of a 10 foot-tall sign representing sea level rise and tell us why they're calling out coal. Check out some of the reasons why students care about our cause!

March to Board of Trustees Meeting: November 2014


Students marched from the Norris University Center to the Board of Trustees' fall meeting, chanting for climate action and handing Board members informational sheets about our movement as they entered the building. The march took place the day after our first meeting with the head of our Investment Subcommittee.

Global Divestment Day: February 2015


On the first ever Global Divestment Day, Fossil Free Northwestern held a day of events to raise awareness on campus. Students signed letters and petitions in favor of coal divestment, marched in a "Burning Love Not Burning Coal" demonstration, and held The People v. Coal, a mock trial pitting Mr. Coal against students who testified about their personal experiences with climate change and coal pollution. After a compelling trial, our judge found Mr. Coal guilty of manslaughter and sentenced him to a lifetime underground.

Bill McKibben comes to Northwestern: March 2015


The man, the myth, the legend graced Northwestern with a visit in March, thanks to SEED (Students for Ecological and Environmental Development). We held a photo campaign in our student center to drum up enthusiasm for the event, and got to meet him!

Nuclear Energy Debate: April 2015


Watch Arnie Gundersen-- Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education-- present the "con" at our nuclear energy debate on April 30. Gundersen argued that nuclear is not a feasible (or economical) solution to the energy crisis and debunked some common myths surrounding nuclear energy.

Letter Delivery to the Investment Office: June 2015


On June 3rd, members of Fossil Free Northwestern, along with student leaders from across campus and several faculty members, marched to our Investment Office to deliver over 300 letters signed by members of the Northwestern community in favor of coal divestment. We read a statement about the significance of the letters and then presented them to Chief Investment Officer Will McLean, who passed them along to the Board of Trustees' Investment Committee. 

Just General Shenanigans: 2013-Present


Sometimes we're just goofy.

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