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Look, ma, we're in the news!


Check out the various articles, op-eds, and letters to the editor written about our movement over the years.




April 29- Daily Northwestern: Schapiro, Students discuss structure of socially responsible investment committee

April 5- Daily Northwestern: Student activists protest outside Schapiro's house

March 9- Daily Northwestern: Northwestern to create socially responsible investment committee

February 16- Daily Northwestern: Fossil Free NU plans sit-in after Board of Trustees refuses to meet at March conference



November 5- Daily Northwestern: Fossil Free NU hosts teach-in on climate justice

June 3- Daily Northwestern: Fossil Free NU delivers letters to Will McLean in preparation for Board of Trustees meeting

June 3- In Our Nature: Fossil Free NU delivers letters demanding divestment

May 22- Daily Northwestern: Deciding Divestment: Northwestern student activists face obstacles beyond their control

May 20- Huffington Post: The message universities are sending when they refuse to divest

May 5- In Our Nature: Ten things I learned from the Fossil Free NU Teach In

May 4- North by Northwestern: Your move, Colbert: keeping the momentum going for a Fossil Free NU

May 1- Forbes: Did Tesla just kill nuclear power?

May 1- Daily NorthwesternExperts debate the future of nuclear energy at Fossil Free NU event

May 1- In Our Nature: Is nuclear the future of energy?

April 30- WBEZ: The future of nuclear energy

April 11- In Our Nature: Students vote in favor of coal divestment in ASG election ballot

April 10- Daily Northwestern: Coal divestment referendum added to ASG ballot

March 5- North by Northwestern: NU Activism

March 4- In Our Nature: Bill McKibben pushes for global climate action, fossil fuel divestment

March 4- Daily Northwestern: Bill McKibben discusses climate change, emphasizes importance of environmental movements

February 16- In Our Nature: DivestNU takes part in first ever Global Divestment Day

February 15- North by Northwestern: DivestNU celebrates Global Divestment Day

February 15- Daily Northwestern: Divest Northwestern holds day of action to protest coal investment 

February 11- Daily Northwestern: We Deserve a Say: Why Northwestern trustees should divest from coal




December 15- Fossil Free: At Northwestern University, baby steps are the key to divestment success

November 25- In Our Nature: Students demonstrate to show support for divestment

November 21- North by Northwestern: DivestNU protests outside board meeting in favor of coal divestment

November 21- Daily Northwestern: Students march outside Board of Trustees meeting to demand coal divestment

November 18- Daily Northwestern: A true commitment to sustainability starts with divestment

November 14- In Our Nature: Nuances of divestment slow down action at Northwestern

February 20- Daily Northwestern: Panel discusses pros and cons of divesting from fossil fuels 




November 21- North by Northwestern: Taking stock

August 8- Grist: Pipeline Dreams: Why fossil fuel divestment is easier said than done

May 12- Daily Northwestern: Schapiro's vow to stop signing, answering petitions heightens chance of missing important issues

March 4- North by Northwestern: ASG aims to make a statement with divestment petition

February 21- WBEZ: Fossil fuel divestment movement grows on Chicago campuses

February 21- Redeye Chicago: NU students lead charge for university to divest from coal

Febuary 7- Daily Northwestern: ASG urges Northwestern to divest from fossil fuels in new petition

January 13- Daily Northwestern: ASG members propose bill for creation of gun control committee and endorsement of divestment from coal industry



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